Frisbee Golf Course Construction
Out of Bounds also offers construction contracts for building frisbee golf courses. With experience in constructing an 18-hole course, Out of Bounds is equipped to handle various aspects of the project. Inquiries and requests for proposals regarding course construction can be sent to: info@oobclothing.com.
For frisbee golf course construction, Out of Bounds is responsible for the following phases of the project:
Concrete foundations or screw piles for course signage and installation of signage (excavation work is included in Out of Bounds’ responsibility).
Concrete foundations or screw piles for frisbee golf baskets and installation of the baskets (excavation work is included in Out of Bounds’ responsibility).
Construction of teepad bases with 0-16mm crushed stone (excavation work is included in Out of Bounds’ responsibility).
Carpentry work for the teepad (hand-sawn and assembled on site).
Installation of artificial turf and sand on the teepad.
Construction of any necessary walkways and stairs